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Subject: Pornagraphic avatars, signatures and attachments are not allowed anywhere
Written By: jerkoff on 12/27/07 at 2:19 pm
You'll notice that we have a policy on no pornographic/nudity in avatars, signatures and attachments. I just wanted to explain the reason behind that.
Attachments take up a lot of room on a server. If people started using the attachment feature to build up personal collections of porn in threads, the server would get filled quickly.
As for Signatures and Avatars, the reason is that these show up everywhere on the board. I'd like to be able to have both women and men use the board, regardless of orientation. If all the guys start using naked women in their avatars, it'll turn into a sausage fest around here pretty quickly.
Pin up/beefcake types of pictures are plenty fine. You're also free to link to sites with adult material at will, so long as it's correctly labeled. No links to gay male porn with a title that suggests it is naked women.
No one has been violating the rules, but I didn't want to have a rule that seemed arbitrary in the system rules without an explanation to link to.
Subject: Re: Pornagraphic avatars, signatures and attachments are not allowed anywhere
Written By: Daunte Lapree Carter on 04/27/10 at 6:57 am
I don't see why would can't have pornographic avatars. If we can post dirty material, then we should be able to post anything else. I think one thing that would definitely make this website very successful is that the moderators and designers make into a mixed genre type of site, meaning that it is partly made up of parodies, erotica, pornographic avatars, real life confessions posted from members who want to share the details of their sexual relationships in the past or present, part videos of sex, part porn, and part everything else.
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