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Subject: Is it cheating to look at porn while in a relationship?

Written By: Donnie Darko on 11/04/07 at 8:27 pm

As guys have urges, if their gf isn't ready for sex, is it fair that the guy should be allowed to look at porn?

Subject: Re: Is it cheating to look at porn while in a relationship?

Written By: virgo69 on 11/05/07 at 12:12 pm

We've been married for 15 years and he still looks at porn.

Subject: Re: Is it cheating to look at porn while in a relationship?

Written By: Donnie Darko on 11/05/07 at 2:55 pm

Ah. My rule is that you can look at porn so long as you're not pretending YOU are having sex with the porn "object". You have to roleplay being someone else, just get off on the visual aspect, etc.

Same with looking at other women/men. Look at them and think "they're pretty but not as pretty as my girl/guy."

Subject: Re: Is it cheating to look at porn while in a relationship?

Written By: LukesEvilTwin on 11/05/07 at 8:00 pm

No. But I'd certainly limit my porn viewing time and make sure she is OK with it before pursuing it.

Subject: Re: Is it cheating to look at porn while in a relationship?

Written By: Don Carlos on 11/06/07 at 12:51 pm

I'd say no, it isn't cheating. 

Subject: Re: Is it cheating to look at porn while in a relationship?

Written By: Jessica on 11/06/07 at 7:08 pm

Not at all. Hell, there are times when I don't feel like doing anything, and I had Rice Cube a movie. :D

Subject: Re: Is it cheating to look at porn while in a relationship?

Written By: Poisoned Eros on 11/14/07 at 11:41 pm

No, of course it's not cheating.

Images are images, thoughts are thoughts.

Masturbation probably keeps some people out of trouble.

Cheating is romantic/sexual liasons outside of an established monogamous relationship. 

If one of you doesn't like the other looking at porn, then you've got to sort it out, but it's not cheating. 

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