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Subject: Re: What wouldn't you do?

Written By: Paul on 08/29/07 at 12:23 pm

For me: I don't like to lick anywhere near a butthole. I just can't stand that taste/smell....ew...just makes me wanna puke. :P

I actually will (and have!) done that...but make no mistake, cleanliness is so important...

But when it comes to 'scat'...bleh! No way!  :P

Subject: Re: What wouldn't you do?

Written By: Jessica on 08/29/07 at 12:42 pm

Along with the usual disgusting taboos that Bettie mentioned above, I refuse to go anywhere near the poo hole. That's just nasty. No golden showers, either.

Subject: Re: What wouldn't you do?

Written By: Tam on 08/29/07 at 12:44 pm

I won't 'snowball' him - we had discussed it before and I will let him snowball me but he just can't do it!

I had to look it up: Snowball

Subject: Re: What wouldn't you do?

Written By: Jessica on 08/29/07 at 12:46 pm

I won't 'snowball' him - we had discussed it before and I will let him snowball me but he just can't do it!

I had to look it up: Snowball

I did that once to the husband. The look on his face....priceless. Needless to day, he won't do it again.

Subject: Re: What wouldn't you do?

Written By: Don Carlos on 08/29/07 at 12:47 pm

I'm not into other men, but just about anything I can think of with a woman is good to go, except permanent injury.

Subject: Re: What wouldn't you do?

Written By: Tam on 08/29/07 at 1:43 pm

I'm not into other men, but just about anything I can think of with a woman is good to go, except permanent injury.

Permanent injury would definitely not be good. ;)
Hubby likes acting out the photos in the kama sutra book and the original Joy of Sex - some of those I would never do.... only because I am no where near as flexible as the pics make you think you have to be

Subject: Re: What wouldn't you do?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/29/07 at 2:56 pm

I am really not into bodily fluids too much (whether it be mine or his).


Subject: Re: What wouldn't you do?

Written By: BrotherFalco on 08/30/07 at 5:55 am

Don't care for backdoor action (too tight, and contrary to popular belief, I guess I'm larger than I thought).

No "tossing salads", no "snowballs", and no "golden showers" for this lad.

Now, if barbed wire is involved..... ;)

Subject: Re: What wouldn't you do?

Written By: hotmama on 08/30/07 at 8:28 pm

Nothing to do with piss or shit, but other than that, I'll try anything once :P

Subject: Re: What wouldn't you do?

Written By: BrotherFalco on 09/02/07 at 4:40 am

I love tossing salad!

What?  ;D


You so funny! Monkey wants extra banana!

Subject: Re: What wouldn't you do?

Written By: whistledog on 09/02/07 at 3:13 pm

Man, all these toys, positions, tools, gizmos, food, etc.  Doesn't anyone just have plain old sex anymore? ;D

Subject: Re: What wouldn't you do?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 09/02/07 at 3:56 pm

Yes. We still do missionary in the dark. I think that according to VA law, that's all we can legally do.  :D

Careful what you wish for on this board, Brother Falcon.  ;)


According to VT law, just as long as you don't do it in the streets and scare the horses.  ;)


Subject: Re: What wouldn't you do?

Written By: BrotherFalco on 09/03/07 at 2:52 am

Man, all these toys, positions, tools, gizmos, food, etc.  Doesn't anyone just have plain old sex anymore? ;D

You could, but that's like smoking without get the general idea, but who really cares??  :D

Careful what you wish for on this board, Brother Falcon.  ;)

Is that an observation, an offer, or a link to a new website? ;)

Subject: Re: What wouldn't you do?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/03/07 at 6:31 pm

I won't 'snowball' him - we had discussed it before and I will let him snowball me but he just can't do it!

I had to look it up: Snowball

LOL! My girlfriend did that to me once.  I thought it was, erm, interesting.  I couldn't really object.  You shouldn't refuse your own medicine, y'know!


1. Other men. No way, no how.  No menage a trois.  No voyeurism.  No taking turns.  Nothing. I'm not condemning it, I'm just saying it's not for me.

2. Anal sex/ass play.  Neither giving nor receiving.  I've been invited to by girlfriends, but said "no thank you."  Perhaps if she insisted long enough, I'd change my mind, but I just don't like the idea.  Again, I'm not knocking it in general, just not for me.

3. Sadomasochism.  I don't like inflicting pain on others or having pain inflicted on me.  I've dabbled a little in bondage on her request.  She enjoyed it.  It didn't do much for me.  Spanking?  That's more comical than sexual.

4. Pee/scat/blood/vomit*/menstrual decidua, for obvious reasons. 

5. Verbal abuse.  I don't mean "talking dirty."  I mean denigration.  This falls under the S&M category.  It's a turn-off.  Some people get off on it for real because they're masochists.  Others would find it thrilling at the moment, but I wouldn't wanter her walking around thinking, "Does he really think I'm a worthless, filthy, pigslut?"

6. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, photographs!  Incidentally, never let your boyfriend take pictures of you.  When you break up, he'll post them on the 'net if he's mad.

*Apparently, this is known as a Roman Shower.  No thanx!

Subject: Re: What wouldn't you do?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 09/03/07 at 6:34 pm

Man, all these toys, positions, tools, gizmos, food, etc.  Doesn't anyone just have plain old sex anymore? ;D

I agree.  I'm Maxwell Smart, not Inspector Gadget.  As with spanking, food is more comical than sexual.  I can't hold steady if I'm laughing too hard.  Anyway, could be risky.  I dunno about that cucumber, doc.  Million to one I guess!

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