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Subject: Most sexual encounters in a day/week/whatever.

Written By: Jessica on 08/27/07 at 9:32 pm

What's your record? We've had a ton of posts about quality sex (ha!), but what about quantity? Feel free to discuss what you did or whatever.

Back in 2003, I had sex over 20 times in five days. We did different positions, used toys, different places, etc.

And yes, it was the same partner, you pervs. ;D

Subject: Re: Most sexual encounters in a day/week/whatever.

Written By: Suq Madiq on 08/27/07 at 9:33 pm

What's your record? We've had a ton of posts about quality sex (ha!), but what about quantity? Feel free to discuss what you did or whatever.

Back in 2003, I had sex over 20 times in five days. We did different positions, used toys, different places, etc.

And yes, it was the same partner, you pervs. ;D

Me too!  I think it was the same weekend as yours! :o  :D

Most per day that I remember was 6.  I was a machine in 1995. 8)  Oh, and 2003.

Subject: Re: Most sexual encounters in a day/week/whatever.

Written By: Tam on 08/28/07 at 12:32 am

This is sad but true - I can't do it no more than twice in a day! :(

Hubby and I take care of each other so much during the two that the day is almost over by the time we finish!

Now, there are times where I have thought that I could take more, problem was, if it is quick rough sex, I swell up quickly and it just plain hurts!!!

Subject: Re: Most sexual encounters in a day/week/whatever.

Written By: Matthias on 08/28/07 at 12:36 am

Hmm, I think 4 times a day, same partner, was the most I ever did. Not quickies either.

I'm a bit ashamed and embarrased to admit I once self-gratified to climax 13 times in a 24 hour period. I was not shooting anything after the 12th time (a term I call "dryfire").


13 times? Nice!!!!
I would totally give you a high five, but I don't want to touch your hand

My max is probably.... 6 times in a day
And that's the most sex I got in ever.... Yeah, I'm a virgin...

Subject: Re: Most sexual encounters in a day/week/whatever.

Written By: CatwomanofV on 08/28/07 at 10:55 am

A few months ago, Carlos and I had a real fuck-fest that lasted about 3 days. I don't know how many times we did it-it was A LOT!!!!


Subject: Re: Most sexual encounters in a day/week/whatever.

Written By: Don Carlos on 08/28/07 at 12:59 pm

That was one hell of a few days!!!  We did it in every position we could get into and used lots of toys.  I get hot just thinking about it.

Subject: Re: Most sexual encounters in a day/week/whatever.

Written By: whistledog on 08/28/07 at 1:08 pm

LOL I once self-gratified myself 6 times in one day, which was a big mistake cause I ended up with a real sore rash.  I was walking with bold legs for the next day or so.  I had to tell people that I banged my knee, and that's why I was walking funny  ;D

Subject: Re: Most sexual encounters in a day/week/whatever.

Written By: Tam on 08/28/07 at 1:37 pm

LOL I once self-gratified myself 6 times in one day, which was a big mistake cause I ended up with a real sore rash.  I was walking with bold legs for the next day or so.  I had to tell people that I banged my knee, and that's why I was walking funny  ;D

Mahaha! You is a freak!!!! ;D

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